As the national media landscape changes, the dedicated advocates at New Media Rights are ensuring that your digital rights are respected. Not only are we helping you defend your rights as a creators, through our one-to-one legal assistance, but we are also speaking truth to power about your rights as a consumer at California and federal regulatory agencies, such as the FCC. The last two weeks we have been working extra hard to make sure that the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and FCC hear about the rights of creators and consumers. It's important to us that they meet their mandate, and investigate the harms of the AT&T and T-mobile merger. Find the specific statements we have submitted in our "Policy Work" section. Get Involved! Please DONATE to us as an important way of supporting NMR pro-bono legal assistance, advocacy and educational resources! We want to continue defending your consumer and digital rights at CA and national agencies such as the CPUC and FCC, your donations make this possible. This is an important year for us, as a community, to work together make New Media Rights sustainable for years to come. If you have an fundraising ideas for us, please email: support@newmediarights.org New Media Rights led an effort with our parent organization UCAN to urge the CPUC to investigate the effects of the AT&T T-Mobile merger on California communications customers. The latest on the issue is that California regulators have asked their staff to prepare documents on the proposed merger so that they can decide whether they will scrutinize the merger, as Ars Technica reported last week. This final decision on this will take place on June 9th. New Media Rights believes this merger is not in the public interest of America's telecommunications consumers. Our petition makes clear the FCC must investigate AT&T's assumptions and claims carefully. The merger's negative affect on innovation, access to the internet, customer service quality, prices, service availability, and consumer privacy are all discussed in our petition. We apply the trends that we are seeing in our one-to-one assistance to improve media policy. Check out the new Policy Center page at http://www.newmediarights.org/policy New Media Rights Blogger Network We are firing up the New Media Rights Blogger Network with more fuel than ever. We have started a Google Group for approved bloggers that are ready to add their quality blogs on new media and tech law to our website. Check out the Blogger's Guidelines and Expectations to learn more what it means to be a part of the network! If you are interested in being a part of the NMR blogger network, contact Mera at mera@newmediarights.org New Media Rights Latest Blogs In the community: Art Neill and Mera Szendro Bok will be at the Ansir Innovation Center to speak about the various ways New Media Rights assists innovators legally, here is your invite: http://newmediarightsaic.eventbrite.com/ Please RSVP More ways YOU can get involved! Don't forget that we rely on you to help shape our work. We want you to stay involved with New Media Rights, and here's a couple ways you can do so: - We would love to hear your feedback about the newsletters. Write to us at support@newmediarights.org or leave us a comment on our newsletter page. - Offer us a donation in whatever amount is suitable to you by visiting our secure donation page - Comment on the New Media Rights website on our blogs and guides - Become a part of the Drumbeat San Diego community. Stay updated by visiting: http://www.newmediarights.org/drumbeat and signing up for Drumbeat updates. |
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