Trust Economies: Investigations into the New ROI of the Web
by Chris Brogan and Julien SmithIf You Build It, They Won’t Come

Stop Thinking Sales. Start Thinking Relationships

Return On Influence: The New ROI

Business Is Personal: The Blending Of Social Constructs

Don't Be That Guy

Attention As Currency

Friends As Spokespeople

With a Little Help

- Make and sustain connections with varied people, from several walks of life. Don’t reserve yourself to your usual fare - people that work in the industry you do, or people that have the same hobbies.
- Meet everyone, and use the systems that best promote relationship building and sustaining.
- Share your connections openly and willingly. Make yourself the first name people think of when they ask “Who do I know who might know a good dentist?”
- Remember to go back, keep your connections active. It’s never nice to get a request for help out of the blue.
- Stay close to your network. And protect it with everything you have. do NOT just give your network to others. Share it, but only within the circle of trust. If you do this, you’ll see it expand, seemingly by itself.
Originally written by Chris Brogan and Julien Smith for MarkMonitor and first published on March 5th, 2008 as "Trust Economies: Investigations into the New ROI of the Web".
About the authors

Photo credits: Stop Thinking Sales. Start Thinking Relationships - Henk Leerssen Return On Influence: The New ROI - neosiam Business Is Personal: The Blending Of Social Constructs - pnrphoto Don't Be That Guy - Yanik Chauvin Attention As Currency - nyul Friends As Spokespeople - Shetland With a Little Help - nyul