High heels: tottery killers (infographic)

This scary-ass (and handsomely designed) infographic details the thousand and one ways that high-heels are incredibly bad for your health, posture, and long-term prospects. Link (via Lawgeek)
The punishments of China: 1804 book

Shown here: a malefactor enduring the "punishment of the wooden collar." Can anyone translate the Chinese characters on the collar?
EFF Protects Free Speech Rights for New Jersey Blogger
Manalapan, NJ - A Superior Court judge in New Jersey quashed a bogus subpoena for the identity of an anonymous blogger Friday, protecting the free speech rights of a critic writing about a local government controversy.
From Magna Carta to the Sky Trust
It’s always invigorating when scholars and activists interested in the commons get together. Last Friday more than 100 of us convened in Milwaukee to learn how commons activism stretches back to the Magna Carta – and how seeds, sky, airwaves and city spaces spaces are vulnerable commons that need to be protected. The symposium was called, “From Magna Carta to the Sky Trust: The Historical Arc of the Commons,” and it was hosted by the Center for 21st Century Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Kathryn Milun of the Tomales Bay Ins